3 Silver Jubilees of Religious Profession in Samoa
Two Samoan and one Indian Little Sister celebrated 25 years of Religious Profession on 20th August 2020 with as much festivity as the pandemic would allow.
Their vocation stories follow:
Sister Malia Aloisia
"Through the years I have come to believe that my call to religious life
is a gift that calls me to be open to become my truer self"
These past 25 years have been stamped with so much joy, because they have been spent with the source of all joy. Every day, he continues to call me in the quiet peace of the chapel and oratory, in the fraternal life shared with my Little Sisters in community, and in the beautiful faces of the elderly and the contact with family and others outside our Home. Jesus said, “All this I tell you that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete” (Jn 15:11). Of course, only in heaven will we experience the absolute fullness of this joy, but there is no doubt that he has given us a foretaste of this endless bliss here and now, in our beautiful vocation of the Little Sisters of the Poor belonging to him, who is himself our Saviour and our Joy.
"Come and hear, all you who fear God, while I recount what has been done for me” (Psalm 66: 16). As I look over my story with the Lord, and the many blessings He has given me. Saint John Paul II was Pope when I was a young teen, I did not know much of Paul VI and the other past Popes until I read about them in the congregation. I was a Catholic Youth member and a member of the children of Mary and also a member of our Parish choir. At the youth and children of Mary’s society we were many of us and were taught by people who loved us and believed in our futures. Whatever problems we came from back at home, we began to experience healing. We tapped into something tremendously invaluable. We encountered Christ. While I would never want to oversimplify Saint John Paul II, it seems that his joyfulness and energy summarize well what was happening in my own life during his pontificate.
My first gift from the Lord was to be born into a very warm and loving home, where I grew up as the middle child of nine siblings in a village near Apia. As with my vocation, mine began within my family. I was blessed to be born to parents who loved God, loved each other, and loved us, their children. My mother’s parents were Catechists and very profound people in the catholic faith. It was in this setting that I came to know God loved me and I learned how to love Him. From an early age, my parents taught us kids that loving and serving God was the most important adventure of life. We learned how to say the Rosary at a very young age and we have a great devotion to Mary and Joseph. We used to get up early to say the Rosary before we went to school I profoundly believe here the possibility of God calling me to religious life. I felt the call in a very young age of 12 years and I believe God began to fashion my heart to enter religious life, but at that time the thought of religious life never entered my mind, I was fully occupied with my studies as I was prepared to enter college at the time. But before all this happened I believed that God had touched me and spared me for Himself. My mother worked for the Little Sisters Home for the aged at Vailele village. Sometimes my sister and I used to go with my dad to accompany her back home. There in the Home of the Little Sisters I met the lovely sisters who were kind people who gave us nice smiles they welcomed us to sit in the residents lounge room to wait for my mother and gave us rosaries and something to eat. That gesture touched my heart.
I was devastated just after my last year in college when my father became ill and died at a young age of 45 years. I made up my mind then to look for a job in order to help my mother raise my younger 4 siblings who were still in the full swing of their studies.
My intention was to look for a job that would pay me enough in order to help my family, especially my mother. I found a good job at the British Tobacco company as a clerk officer and gained enough wages. My mother was happy and I worked there for 6 years. My 4 older brothers also had very good jobs, so now no more worry for my Mother and the family.
While working at the Tobacco company, I often saw the Little Sisters who would come to ask alms. I was touched to see them begging for the poor and I presumed this was another way God reminded me and encouraged me to think again of the past years that I felt something but had never done anything about it. Here I see God’s hand on me and I made up my mind to do something to look out and search what it is that God wanted.
I prayed about it and spoke to my mother and family and they supported me very much. I decided to quit work and started searching religious life. I went to retreats with the sisters of different congregations and spent time with them at weekends. One teaching congregation asked me to teach in their Order, I refused as I do not have the skill of teaching plus my heart was not there. I decided to see about my friends, the little sisters of the poor, the last choice on my list. I was a little afraid as I was not sure of myself. Anyhow, I went and I met some lovely sisters in the kitchen. The sisters told me that if I wished I could come on the weekends to help them and to see what it was all about, and the impact was immediate. (“Well not quite immediate: at the end of the first week, I thought “Well, that was too much praying and too much working for me so I guess I don’t have a vocation!”) Yet by the end of the month I was craving that call to prayer and through the close encounter with the sisters I began to believe that I too was called to religious life. I wanted to share in their enthusiasm for life and their profound peace. For the next several years I was on a mission to discover the will of God for my life in different communities of the little sisters where I was called to work and serve God through a life of prayer and life of hospitality following the footsteps of their mother foundress St Jeanne Jugan the wonderful woman saint canonized in 2009. Through the years I have come to believe that my call to religious life is a gift that calls me to be open to become my truer self. Living out this decision hasn’t always been easy. I’ve had my fair share of doubts, trials and grieving, but through it all, I sense the gentle, loving guidance of Christ’s Spirit enfolding me with his presence. His presence manifests itself in the regular events of everyday life. Saying “yes”, to God is not always easy but with His Grace all is possible. As St Paul in 2 Cor 12:9-10 “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness. For whenever I am weak, then I am strong”.
I entered the congregation of the little sisters of the poor in 1992 in Apia then went to Auckland, NZ as an aspirant and Hastings, NZ for Postulancy. In 1993 I went to Sydney for my novitiate, I made my final vows in the year 1995 in France.
Thinking of my journey now 25 years of vows, I recall the words of Thomas Merton’s prayer: “I do not know where I am going…but you will lead me down the right road, though I know nothing of it.”
I can only say in gratefulness with St Jeanne Jugan “BLESSED BR GOD, THANK YOU MY GOD”
Sister Lucy of Jesus
"I found Jesus, the treasure which was hidden in the field of my life."
I was born in South India in Kerala. I have three sisters and three brothers and I was the fifth in the family. One of my sister’s is a Little sister, (Sr. Teresa of Jesus) and a brother is a Franciscan Missionary brother. My vocation comes first of all from a good Catholic family. My parents were very strong Catholics, and we were all brought up in the Catholic faith and education. I didn’t know much about the life of the Little Sisters, because there was no homes of the Little sisters in Kerala. When I was in school two Little sisters from Coonoor, came to my house on their way to their annual collection in Kerala. My sister was one among them. That was the first time I met the Little sisters. Shortly after Sr. Teresa left the country for France for her further studies. But without failing, every month she used to write to us about her mission near the Aged poor. She sent us the image of Blessed Jeanne Jugan with the prayers asking us to pray for her canonization. And a novena prayer to Blessed Jeanne Jugan. I was very faithfully praying this prayer in our family prayers. After my school, while I was helping in an Institute, one of my friend’s invited me to visit the Home of Mother Teresa. At that time she was still living, and I was surprised to see the number of poor people being cared for by the sisters. There I knew that they needed more hands to help the various needs of the very ill and dying. While returning home I wrote to Sr. Teresa about my new discovery with the Missionary Sisters of charity. She encouraged me, saying that she was praying for me. From that time I had the desire of giving my life to charity, to do something for God, but I did not know where? I didn’t tell anyone about it. praying to God to show me the way. One day Sr. Teresa asked me if I wouId be interested to go to one of the home’s of the Little sisters just to see their work, but I was not interested to go far away from home. After a few days I received a letter from the Little sisters in Bangalore, happy to receive me. After praying God gave me the courage to go and I spent a month with the Little sisters in Bangalore. Everything was new to me, but the sisters looked very happy, loving, kind and understanding. Soon I felt at home with them. From them I learned how to pray and work with the Aged people. After returning home, I received another letter from the superior saying, if I would like to return and join them, I was invited for the Feast of St. Joseph on the 19th of March 1986. I was delighted, but it was very hard, how to leave my parents and families especially my dear friends. After praying I expressed my desire to my parents, they did not refuse my request saying your happiness is our happiness. We will pray for you. That gave me the courage and I returned to Bangalore, joined with the other 5 candidates who were already there. Years went by very happily, learning how to love God by serving the Aged poor. I made my first commitment on the 21st May 1989 in Bangalore. 5 years later I made my final commitment on the 20th August 1995 in France, very happy to be a member of the family of Jeanne Jugan. Now I can tell you my vocation is not my choice, but He chose me and arranged everything for me that I may be with Him forever in the service of the Aged poor as a daughter of St. Jeanne Jugan. Only listen to Him in prayer. He will arrange everything. I found Jesus, the treasure which was hidden in the field of my life. I love my vocation happy to serve Him wherever He sends me. I thank God for His faithfulness to me during these 25 years of my Religious life.
Sister Angela tells her vocation story
I, Mary Elizabeth Meaney (Sr Angela Marie de Jesus)
entered the congregation of the Little Sisters of the Poor
at Glendalough, W.A. on 8th December,1949
I was living with my parents and brothers at Osborne Park and in those days the Little Sister’s Home wasn’t far away.
My parents were Irish and people of great faith, and very attached to the church. My early recollection was that we visited the house of the Little Sisters each year, for the procession of Corpus Christi.
I recall that I was with a group of other young girls going around the home, when an old man gave me a bag of sweets, which I shared with my companions. Sometime later at school, a teacher asked me to write an essay on my future. I wrote about the Little Sisters of the Poor and how I wished to help the elderly. Being the first generation born in Australia and my grandparents were still living in Ireland, I didn’t have much contact with older people, so no idea how to interact with them.
Over several Saturdays I went t the home and helped a bit and chatted with the residents. At the time the acting priest of Osborne Park, an Irish man, also had a sister who was a Little Sister of the Poor. I attended daily Mass and prayers - and the Rosary were common place in our home.
After Leaving school, a Sisters of Mercy thought I had a vocation and suggested I go to the Redemptorist Monastery and speak to a particular priest, which I did. He gave me some good counsel and asked if I wished him to consult with Mother Superior at the Sisters of Mercy, West Perth, and I said: "no I’ll do it myself”
Time passed but I didn’t go back to the Sisters of Mercy.Later, our Parish Priest asked me to arrange a group of young girls tot visit the Little Sisters Home, which I did. Shortly afterwards I spoke to my mother about my desire to help at the Little Sisters and rode over to Glendalough to consult with the Superior. The joy of the Little Sisters attracted me. They seemed simple, uncomplicated, going about their work.
The Parish Priest asked me what my family thought, and I said, “they think I will stay a few weeks.” He reassured me and asked my age and then he said, “you will be there until you are 87”. He died when I was a novice. The years have passed swiftly and as I approach that special number! I feel blessed with the joy, contentment and fulfilment which was beyond expectation.
I must say over the past years a quote from Exodus Ch19:4 speaks to me." I have carried you on Eagle’s Wings, I will care for you in all your years”!
Sister Marie Gabriel tells her vocation story
Jeanne Jugan’s picture was lying crumpled under old John Walsh’s pillow when first I saw it. Jeanne Jugan, the caption informed me, was Sister Mary of the Cross, the foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
John Walsh was a patient in the Royal Perth Hospital from the Little Sisters Home at Glendalough, W.A. and I was a keen first year on night duty. Finding this picture as I arranged my patient’s bed was my first introduction to the Little Sisters. This simple event in Ward 62 on an oppressive December night in 1951 was one of the great moments in my young life.
The face that Looked back at me from that dilapidated picture did nothing to stir my interest. Finding that picture as I arranged my patient's bed, was my introduction to the Little Sisters.
My senior nurse, a good looking girl with a lovable disposition was considering religious life. I had a lovable disposition too, and I was hopeful about the holy married state. But God's ways are very wonderful. Today she is a contented mother of four and I , - well, instead of a vague :ten", I am, the spiritual mother of a world full of people.
The I learned to love this dear old man. I spent my spare minutes with him when he was sleepless. My young hand was held in his and I warmed to the pressure of his which told me that he appreciated my presence. His left hand held unceasingly and with purpose, his rosary, I talked in the low tones of night staff and he wrote me back replies. Due to the extensive surgery to remove a malignant tumor from his cheek, he was unable to speak.
Where did he come from? Who were his friends? Those whom he loved? I asked.
“The Little Sisters,” he wrote back.
The Little Sisters. What a strange, indefinable sensation charged through me right then. I’d often heard my mother and my parish priest speak of the Little Sisters, but I’d never known them nor even made myself wonder who they were. What I did know was that they cared exclusively for old people, men and women, who made their home with the Little Sisters permanently and were cared for by the Sisters until their last breath.
John Walsh made me interested, as his written words told me about his champions – the Little Sisters. How he loved them. When I cam on at night he had long notes ready for me. He told me that Jeanne Jugan had been a heroic French woman, poor and hardworking, living in the little town of St Servan in Brittany. Long ago, in 1839, she had taken into her own attic dwelling, an old blind woman, one destined to be the first member of the “Little Family” of Jeanne, which would develop into the mighty family that it was at that moment in 1951.
My night duty was bearable that first year, and it did me a lot of good to hear John Walsh call me an angel, a bright comforting angel. Me – foot-weary, back-aching, happy and cross all at once, an angel?
John died some months later. He was to remain a very special someone in my life. What was he doing for me, now that he was face to facr with the all-knowing, loving merciful God? Why was I now so frequently thinking of the Little Sisters? Why did I refuse to visit and help them as some of the nurses did on their days off? I didn’t want to know them, I told myself today, I did want to know them I convinced myself tomorrow. So, for two years I kept away. But they remained a mind-distracting element all the same, and I didn’t like it. Many small significant happenings should have woken me up, but it would take nothing less than a push from the Holy Spirit. The Lord was quietly doing his work though and on the feast of St Therese of Lisieux, I felt it was time to do something about it. I spoke to my Parish Priest and he arranged to take me to Glendalough to meet the Little Sisters.
My next day off I went to see the Little Sisters. I dressed in my very best clothes and modified my makeup. When I called goodbye to Mum, she came to me, looked me over, hugged me and said, “I hope they don’t like you”. “Me too” I replied.
Thirty minutes later I met the Little Sisters for the first time. I loved them at sight. Why did I love the Little Sisters? Why did I go home that day to Mum and tell her “This is it”- just like that?
Four months after I graduated, I joined the community at Glendalough. I spent 6 months, very happy months, at Glendalough, then to Sydney for my novitiate.
The two years of novitiate were happy years, with moments of elation and deflation but balanced by a very healthy moderateness most of the time. We did a lot of praying and studying under the influence of the Holy Spirit. I made a lot of mistakes, enjoyed a few escapades, had my ups and downs but overall I was very happy and contented and had the comfortable conviction that I fitted in.
In December 1956 I made my first profession of vows. From then, until 1960 I was very happy serving the elderly people, living in community and spending a lot of time in prayer.
As does every Little Sister, I then spent 12 months preparation for perpetual vows at the mother house- La Tour St Joseph- in Brittany, France. This year is an experience unique in the life of ever Little Sister. It is a year of prayer, study, reflection and decisions. It is a great happiness for those who have come from every corner of the Globe to prepare for that final commitment to God, the church and their religious family. Here at the heart, the very cradle of the congregation, each one at lasts visits and sees personally those places made so dear by Jeanne Jugan to each Little SIster of the Poor. It is a return to the source of this religious institute,
Jeanne Jugan! How often during my months at La Tour did I think of her? It seemed so incredible that I was now one of her children. With deep gratitude I recalled those nights on ward 62 back at Royal Perth Hospital and the picture under old John Walsh’s pillow.
Now, at the age of 86 I am even more grateful to old John Walsh for he led me to a very happy and fulfilled life, caring for the elderly in Australia, New Zealand, Noumea and Malaysia and coming to an ever deeper union with Jesus Christ my spouse.
"How can I repay the Lord, for his goodness to me."
(Psalm 116)
Sister Marie Gabriel lsp
Reflections of a Golden Jubilarian
Sister Rosemary McCarthy Isp: 1971 - 2021
A vocation is a call which the Lord always faithful, renews for us until the end of our life.
We must remain attentive to this call. By his grace we will always better understand its full significance and will respond to it with deeper maturity and greater love, for the greater glory of the one and undivided Trinity.
(Constitutions Little Sisters of the Poor)
The above quote from our Constitutions was uppermost in my mind as I prepared for the great event of my Golden Jubilee and lookedback over those 50 years with deep gratitude for God’s faithfulness and the joy and privilege of growing in union with the Lord and striving to transmit to the elderly, the Mercy and Compassion of Christ.
My journey really began with a hidden attraction to religious life since childhood. I also new that I wanted to be a nurse. During my nursing training, I came in contact with the Little Sisters when I nursed one of them who was admitted to the hospital. She persuaded me to go and visit the Little Sisters. I did go, and when I walked in the door of the Home of the Little Sisters in Adelaide, I felt so much at home and the joyful welcome of the Sisters was impressive. At this time, religious life had disappeared from my agenda and I decided not to return to the Home as the attraction was so strong.
I later learnt that what I experienced is called ‘charism’. A vocation is a call from God and He plants a specific charism into the human heart and when that person comes in contact with the group of people where that charism is lived, what was lying dormant, comes to life.
Following graduation as a registered nurse, I traveled to Melbourne with a group of friends to study midwifery. This was a great year. One incident may be worth mentioning. It was Christmas Eve and there was a party. We were at the party, intending to leave in time for midnight Mass at St. Francis Church. Close to midnight, I kept reminding my companions that it was time to go, but the party was in full swing.
Eventually we got away and landed in an overflowingchurch, very late. As there was no room, we were ushered to the very front where we sat on the floor. The first time I had been so late for Mass- and Christmas Eve! I remember I had tears running down my face, thinking, ‘I don’t want to live like this’
With a few more ups and downs, I graduated as a midwife and, with my midwifery certificate, returned to Adelaide. My love for the wideopen spaces of the country took me to work in a small hospital in the Adelaide hills. Here I delivered babies at one end of the hospital and cared for elderly patients at the other end.
I was happily coasting along, when one night I was reading a book that described someone out in the country, drinking in the beauty of nature and finding peace in that setting. Something within me said, or thought, or just a knowing, ‘You will find that with the Little Sisters of the Poor’.
This experience was so strong that the very next morning I telephoned the Mother Superior of the Home in Adelaide and made an appointment to go and see her the following Sunday. When I told her my reason for coming, she said in amazement: “Rosemary, do you know what today is?” I replied, “no” and was told that it was Vocation Sunday and nine days previously the Sisters had placed a rose in front of a picture of Jeanne Jugan, foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor and made a 9 day novena, asking for a postulant. The rose bloomed for the nine days. The fact that ‘Rosemary’ turned up on the ninth day was affirmation for them that their prayer had been heard.
The rest is 50 years of history! I thank God for calling me to this beautiful vocation as a daughter of St. Jeanne Jugan where I have learnt from her sayings: “My Jesus I have only You” and “Making the old folk happy, that’s what counts!”…and during the inevitable tough times, I think of that rose.
Personal testimony of Sophie RALUY, AJJ de Noumea
Having moved to Noumea, New Caledonia, from France, it was because I had time to spare in my schedule that I showed up in July 2013 at the Littler Sisters of the Poor in Noumea. I had discovered St. Jeanne Jugan and her work, thanks to family members who lived very close to the Mother House in St. Pern, Brittany, France.
I commenced by coming two mornings a week. I became involved in Resident Activities, accompanied Residents during trips to the aquarium and accompanied others for medical appointments
In May 2014, my daughter travelled to Melbourne to continue her studies. I accompanied her and made my first visit to the Little Sisters of the Poor at Northcote. I renewed these visits every time I went to Melbourne.
I spent time with the elderly Sisters who loved to converse in French, some of them had spent years in France.
Each visit made me closer to certain Residents that I met at the chapel or during meal service.
The feeling of being part of a family each time I passed the threshold of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Noumea and Melbourne, only confirmed and intensified with time.
I became acquainted with several Associate Members from Northcote. made friends and bonded with this group.
In Noumea, I commenced my formation as an Associate member of St Jeanne Jugan. This preparation is a year of study, prayer and service to the elderly, becoming acquainted with the life and the spirit of St. Jeanne Jugan.
It was an opportunity for a long term spiritual retreat.
I walked slowly on the path that Jeanne Jugan revealed to me, on which she asked me to follow her, in the manner of the laity who have always accompanied her, alongside her sisters.
It was at the other end of the world that she taught me to follow another path that also requires patience and courage, to follow Jesus who is : “The Way, the Truth and the Life. (John 14:6)
Slowly I progressed in the knowledge of the happiness there is to give and to serve.
I made my first commitment as an Associate Member on May 1st 2018, in the chapel of Ma Maison de Noumea, surrounded by my loved ones who have always supported me in this process.
Since that time I have had great pleasure in serving the residents in many and varied ways. The meal service is always a special place of contact.
For a few months I have been managing a small shop at the Home These are moments spent by the side of the Residents which allow me to get to know them better and assist them with material needs.
I came in 2013 to give my time without expecting anything in return. Seven years later I know that I have received infinitely more than I have given.
I found a place in the international family of Jeanne Jugan, which perfectly complements the one I have in my own family.
Pope Francis spoke the following words on Pentecost Sunday 2020:
“If we realize that what we are is due to His free and unmerited gift, then we too will want to make our lives a gift. By loving humbly, serving freely and joyfully, we will offer to the world the true image of God.”
Some of these words are part of the prayer that the Association Jeanne Jugan Members make during our commitment:
“I promise to serve you, Jesus, with joy and love, beside the elderly, following the example of humility and confidence Jeanne Jugan left us.”
Sophie RALUY, AJJ de Noumea
Below is a French Translation of this story:
C’est parce que je disposais de temps à donner dans mon emploi du temps, que je me suis présentée en juillet 2013 chez les PSDP de Nouméa. Je racontais à Mère Gertrude comment j’avais découvert Jeanne Jugan et son œuvre, grâce à de la famille qui résidait tout près de la maison mère de St Pern.
J’ai commencé par venir deux matinées par semaines. Après la messe du matin, je pouvais animer des jeux pour les résidents, préparer la kermesse, accompagner des résidents lors de sorties à l’aquarium, en accompagner d’autres chez le médecin ... etc.
En allant, en mai 2014, installer ma fille à Melbourne, où elle venait étudier, je rendis ma première visite aux PSDP de Northcote. Renouvelant mes visites à chaque fois que j’allais à Melbourne, je me liais d’amitié avec plusieurs sœurs âgées:
Sr Claire, originaire de Melbourne, qui avait gardé de nombreux souvenirs de ses séjours à Lisieux et à Nouméa aimait beaucoup converser en français.
Sr Helen préférait échanger en anglais, et j’aimais beaucoup lorsqu’elle me racontait les années écoulées dans les 10 villes françaises où elle avait travaillé comme PSDP. Elle racontait avec beaucoup d’humour ses nombreuses aventures, nous avons beaucoup ri !
Je n’oublierai jamais la sortie à Warrandyte avec des résidents et avec Sr Gertrude qui était née dans cette région. Pendant le lunch, pris dans un joli petit restaurant au bord de la Yarra river, elle nous avait chanté une comptine apprise enfant sur cette rivière et évoqué d’autres souvenirs d’enfance !
J’ai aussi de très bons souvenirs de moments passés avec Sr Yvonne qui avait aussi vécu de nombreuses années en France mais également avec Sr Mary-Dorothy, première PSDP indienne à venir en Australie, ressemblant à Gandhi avec ses lunettes rondes.
Chaque visite me rendait aussi plus proche de certains résidents que je croisais à la chapelle ou pendant le service des repas.
L’impression de me retrouver en famille, que ce soit à Nouméa comme à Melbourne, à chaque fois que je passais le seuil des maisons des PSDP ne faisait que se confirmer et s’intensifier.
Je commençais à connaître plusieurs AJJ de Northcote et à lier des amitiés.
À Nouméa, il n’y avait plus d’Associé Jeanne Jugan (AJJ). Mère Gertrude m’a demandé si je souhaitais faire la préparation d’un an avec Sr Marie-Élisabeth, pour devenir une AJJ.
C’est pendant cette période que j’ai commencé à animer la prière du chapelet, tous les vendredis, avec un petit groupe de résidents très assidus.
J’ai beaucoup appris de ces rencontres mensuelles avec Sr Marie-Élisabeth : elles m’ont permis de mieux connaître la vie de Jeanne Jugan, son œuvre et son charisme. C’était aussi une occasion de faire une retraite spirituelle au long cours.
J’avançais doucement sur le chemin que Jeanne Jugan me dévoilait, sur lequel elle me demandait de la suivre, à la manière des laïques qui l’ont toujours accompagnée, aux côtés de ses Sœurs.
Elle qui a tant cheminé sur les routes et chemins de Bretagne, à une époque où il fallait être patient et courageux pour avancer malgré les intempéries et la fatigue, c’est à l’autre bout du monde qu’elle m’apprenait à suivre un autre chemin qui demande aussi patience et courage parfois, suivre Jésus : « Le CHEMIN, la vérité et la vie » (Jean 14-6).
Celui qu’elle a servi toute sa vie auprès de ceux qu’elle chérissait tout particulièrement, « ses trésors », les personnes âgées les plus démunies.
Tout doucement, j’ai progressé dans la connaissance du bonheur qu’il y a à donner, et à servir.
J’ai fait mon premier engagement comme AJJ le 1er mai 2018, dans la chapelle de Ma Maison de Nouméa, entourée de mes proches qui m’ont toujours soutenue dans cette démarche.
Depuis, j’ai un immense plaisir à aller servir le dîner des résidents tous les vendredis soirs, après la prière du chapelet avec les résidents, suivie des vêpres avec les sœurs.
Cela fait quelques mois maintenant, que je m’occupe de tenir une petite boutique pour les résidents. Deux fois par semaine, c’est un rendez-vous attendu par eux comme par moi. Ce sont des moments passés à leurs côtés, qui permettent de mieux les connaître et de répondre à certains de leurs besoins matériels.
Venue, en 2013, pour donner quelques heures de mon temps aux PSDP, sans rien en attendre en retour, je mesure, presque 7 ans après, que j’ai REÇU infiniment PLUS que je n’ai donné.
J’ai trouvé une place dans la grande famille de Jeanne Jugan, qui complète parfaitement celle que j’ai dans ma propre famille.
Le pape François a dit dans son homélie de la Pentecôte 2020:
« … Si nous avons dans le cœur Dieu qui est don, tout change. Si nous nous rendons compte que ceux que nous sommes est son don, don gratuit et immérité, alors nous aussi, nous voudrons faire de la même vie un don. Et en aimant humblement, en servant gratuitement et avec joie, nous offrirons au monde la vraie image de Dieu. »
Une partie de ces mots sont inclus dans la prière que nous disons lors de notre engagement pour devenir AJJ :
« Je promets de te servir, Jésus, avec joie et amour, auprès des personnes âgées, en suivant l’exemple d’humilité et de confiance que Jeanne Jugan nous a laissé. »
Sophie RALUY, AJJ de Nouméa